Fire Risk Assessment courses

Fire Risk Assessment
Who does it apply too?
If you are a non-domestic UK business or organisations employing more than 5 persons, you have a legal obligation to undertake and produce a written fire risk assessment, which must be available for inspection. “The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005” is the primary piece of legislation that lays out the legal requirements. Our specialist staff will undertake and complete the fire risk assessment and assist you with all the significant findings.
Our specialist staff will review your fire emergency arrangements, including measures to reduce or eliminate the risk of fire, and identify persons at risk. We will identify the Responsible Person and the duties that they are to undertake to ensure compliance with the “The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005”.
The Responsible Person
As the responsible person you must carry out and regularly review a fire risk assessment of the premises. This will identify what you need to do to prevent fire and keep people safe. Where the Responsible Person does not have control of all parts of the building and it is shared with other persons, they should be informed of significant risks identified.
You’ll need to consider:
emergency routes and exits
fire detection and warning systems
fire fighting equipment
the removal or safe storage of dangerous substances
an emergency fire evacuation plan
the needs of vulnerable people, for example the elderly, young children or those with disabilities
providing information to employees and other people on the premises
staff fire safety training
Premises that require a Fire Risk Assessment
A charity or voluntary organisation.
A contractor with a degree of control over any premises.
Providing accommodation for paying guests.
The Landlord of a building. offices and shops
factories and warehouses
sleeping accommodation
residential care premises
educational premises
small and medium places of assembly (holding 300 people or less)
large places of assembly (holding more than 300 people)
theatres, cinemas and similar premises
open air events and venues
healthcare premises
animal premises and stables
transport premises and facilities
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Why Use Hasmat Safety Solutions
Fire risk assessment Learn More
Our specialist staff can assist you with all your company needs. We can assist you in responding to any significant findings, that may arise from the Fire Risk Assessment. We will ensure that you are fully compliant with your legal requirements.
Health and safety Learn More
Our specialist staff can assist you with all your Health and Safety needs. We can give specialist advice, undertake inspections, audits, accident investigations and policy formulation. Our aim is to ensure that your company is fully compliant with the law.
Fire Warden Learn More
This course will provide the delegates with a comprehensive review of theoretical and practical understanding of the typical functions of a fire warden within a workplace & give delegates an understanding of how fires start and propagate within buildings.